Vital Bariatrics
Modern Bariatric Surgery is truly one of the most remarkable medical achievements of the 21st century
If there were a treatment that could cure diabetes, hypertension, and sleep apnea while preventing strokes, heart attacks, cancer, extending life by up to 9 years, and improving quality of life at the same time wouldn’t everybody take it?
There is such a treatment and it is one of the most common surgeries in the world. Most surprising is that only 0.5% of Canadians that would benefit from bariatric surgery can actually access it.
Our Services
The LSG is a good option for many patients with a great risk:benefit ratio. While still being a powerful weight management tool, the risk profile for this surgery is very modest. Many patients find it to be the right fit for them
Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy
Gastric bypass is the work horse of metabolic surgery to which all treatments must be compared. This is a great solution for patients with diabetes, higher BMI’s, or bothersome acid reflux. The risk profile tends to be slightly higher than sleeves but there are some additional benefits to consider.
Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass
Medical weight management has only recently become an exciting field. New medications are arriving all the time with proven safety and effectiveness in treating obesity. These can be used together with surgery or on their own depending on the weight loss goals and medical needs of our patients. Connect with us to see what path will work best for you.
Medical Weight Management